10 things I wish I knew when I started professionally

After having toiled through the professional world for some time, I’ve realized that I knew so little when I started, and I’m not talking about the hard skills here (those need practice and experience), but more about the soft skills: the do’s and don’ts of working in an organization. The following ten things are based … Read more10 things I wish I knew when I started professionally

No frills data pipeline with Go

There are a plethora of data processing frameworks both maintained by open-source communities and corporations, nowadays. Just because of the abundance of such frameworks, engineers sometimes get carried away and pick up a big data processing framework to process little data, and while I myself am guilty of having done that in the past (in … Read moreNo frills data pipeline with Go

Labyrinths of SQLite with Go & Docker

With engineers trying out grandiose databases everyday for various use cases, I recently happened to have a use case where I went old school, as in with a single file database, namely SQLite. Now before you become skeptical, let me assure you that it ended up serving the use case very well, but there were … Read moreLabyrinths of SQLite with Go & Docker